Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hi Ya'll,
Hope your New Year is starting out well.  The holidays were wonderful - especially with the snow!  And it's still hanging around.  We've had snow and snow and now COLD...with more snow expected this week.  I LOVE IT!  Perfect painting weather......Thought ya'll might like a peek at some commission pieces I did for holiday gifts.  The first one is owned by Tim Justus & Diana Howell of Charlotte, NC and is entitled "Perfect Peace".  The next one is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Justus of Hendersonvile, NC and is entitled "Love is the Greatest Gift."  The cutie snowman was made by my son and he took the pics - looks like a new (and good) photographer in the family - you know how I am taking pictures!  Stay warm and pray for snow!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Both are incredibly beautiful!!