Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tiffany Carrington - Fashionista Cow...

Tiffany Carrington – Tiffy to her friends – is a fashionista cow. She struts her stuff in the open pasture runway and grazes at all the finest bistro grass plains. Her beverage of choice is a domestic green grass skinny half caf half decaf with a fresh cream kicker and a sprig of dandelion. Her passion is to one day own a pair of Jimmy Choo red peep-toe pumps in her size – extra wide round. But we'll talk about that later. Right now, Tiffy's fashion craze centers on the truly unique vintage styles of the Grand Ole Opry – Nashville, Tennessee circa 1960s. As you can see, Tiffy is simply spectacular in the updated “Minnie Pearl” look, with the price tag in her ear, of course, as straw hats are SO LAST season!


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